Vitamin D for children
Vitamin D for children
At the moment, there are a large number of different multivitamin complexes for children. But when choosing a particular vitamin complex for your child, you need to study the composition with special care. So, many manufacturers in the manufacture of multivitamin complexes take into account only the basic vitamins. But the body needs substances that help the synthesis and assimilation of these vitamins. Vitamin D belongs to such substances.
The choice of various complexes is really huge now, and you can easily stop at one thing. But it is worth considering that the body is a complex system in which even a small malfunction can affect a number of different systems. This is especially true for children, the older they get, the more useful substances they need.
Most of the minerals, vitamins and other necessary substances our body receives from food and supplements. However, vitamin D is synthesized by the body on its own. A reaction occurs under the influence of ultraviolet rays. These rays accelerate the photolysis reaction, which leads to the synthesis of cholecalciferol, which is exactly what our body needs.
Of course, vitamin D can be synthesized by the body independently and in sufficient quantities. But given the conditions in which we live, there is often a shortage of this vitamin, and this can lead to the development of rickets. Thus, each person's diet should contain fish, meat and eggs. These products enable the body to maintain the necessary intake of vitamin D.
However, children still get sick, even with good nutrition. At the same time, two subgroups of such children can be distinguished. The first category includes those who have been provided with good nutrition and sufficient vitamin D, and the second category includes those who have not received good nutrition and sufficient amounts of this vitamin.
With the second group, everything is clear, if they get sick, they need to provide diet, sunlight and exercise. But with the first group, everything is a little more complicated, because they received everything they needed to avoid getting rickets, but all the signs of this disease are on their face.
The problem here is that vitamin D takes only a mediocre part in the formation of the skeleton and nervous system. Without the necessary amount of this vitamin, calcium and phosphorus are not absorbed in the bones, which leads to impaired bone development. In this case, the problem lies in the metabolic processes, which, as a rule, recover by the age of three. 123B