Honey for beauty
Among all the gifts generously presented to us by nature, which help us to be healthier and look younger, honey, without a doubt, occupies one of the leading places. Many industrial cosmetics are made with the addition of honey. But it's a completely different matter when it comes to using a natural bee waste product directly on the skin or hair. In this case, harmful substances are not involved in the process, for example, preservatives and dyes, which are generously added by manufacturers of creams and shampoos. How to properly use honey in home cosmetology in order to get the maximum benefit from it for appearance?Honey contains a huge amount of substances that are useful for beauty:- carbohydrates- alkaloids- vitamins- amino acids- organic acids- phytoncides- lipids- minerals- Enzymes In order to feel the rejuvenating power of honey in practice, conduct an experiment. Every morning for two weeks, simply apply a small amount of honey to your face and rinse with water after five minutes. During this time, the sweet product will remove all impurities from the pores. Immediately after the procedure, you will feel that the skin has become softer, radiant and elastic, and after a couple of weeks you will notice that the complexion has improved and the sagging areas of the face have tightened.Honey for a moisturized face and delicate hands The main benefit of this natural sweet product for the skin is that it effectively retains moisture in the cells. In sunny and hot weather, honey-based products help protect the skin from excess sunlight. These are the two main factors that prevent skin aging. Honey masks are widely known for their emollient, antiseptic and decongestant properties. In addition, this product is perfectly combined with many products that enhance its effect.So, an effective facial scrub is prepared on the basis of honey. Take carefully ground almonds (it is important to grind them as small as possible), add a little honey and a couple of drops of lemon juice. You will get an excellent remedy that will exfoliate dead skin particles, moisturize and soothe the skin and slightly whiten it. Use it to cleanse the skin, gently and delicately massaging individual areas before applying other products.If you add to a teaspoon of honey a little milk of medium fat content and a few drops of vitamin E (an oil-based solution), you will get a mask with an anti-aging effect. Twice a month, you can apply this product on your face, paying special attention to the area around the eyes. Hold the mask for about 20 minutes, then remove any remnants with a soft cloth or paper towel. If an oil film remains on the skin, then wash your face additionally. Although if the weather is cold or windy outside, the remnants of the mask will not hurt, they can be left until the morning.To eliminate increased dryness of the hands, you can simply apply honey to the outer surface of the hands, put on polyethylene gloves, and on top - woolen mittens. If you spend the whole night in them, then the very next morning the epidermis of your hands will become soft, and dryness and peeling will disappear. In addition, small wounds and cracks on the hands will heal much faster. A honey mask with the addition of glycerin will help soften roughened skin and revitalize fading ones.The use of honey for the skin of telaMed is very effective as a means of combating cellulite. A small amount of honey is applied to the problem areas of the body with patting movements, and the patting continues until a white plaque remains on the fingertips. Thus, honey "sucks out" harmful substances from skin cells. In addition, a purely mechanical massage also gives its effect - the lymph flow increases, which helps to eliminate toxins faster. After the honey procedure, it is best to take a warm shower and apply an additional anti-cellulite body cream.If you want to carry out the wrapping procedure, mix the right amount of liquid honey (so that it is enough to apply to problem areas), add a little coffee grounds to it, as well as a tablespoon of mustard powder and crushed cinnamon. To increase the effectiveness of the mask, enrich it with a few drops of essential oil, preferably rosemary, cypress, lemon, grapefruit or other citrus. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the places affected by the "orange peel". Wrap them with cling film on top, put on a warm bathrobe or cotton trousers over them and lie in peace and quiet for about half an hour (if the mustard in the mask does not burn the skin earlier). After that, take a warm shower - cool is contraindicated - without any chemicals.If you like to visit the sauna, but the skin of the body is dry, then apply a loose layer of buckwheat honey to the whole body before the procedure. This will give a good moisturizing effect. And, of course, with the addition of amber gold, you can prepare rejuvenating baths! Simply dissolve about 350 grams of natural honey in warm water (or separately in a liter of lukewarm milk) and enjoy the procedure that will make your skin velvety and silky.Honey for strong and shining hair can be used to rinse curls after washing. To get such a natural rinse aid, carefully dissolve a large spoonful of honey in a liter of warm water. At the same time, remember that this product of the vital activity of bees has the property of slightly lightening the hair. Therefore, if this is not part of your plans, it is better to choose another natural hair product.But, nevertheless, honey reveals a wide range of its beneficial properties when rubbed into the scalp. A "clean" product should not be used - the hair may get tangled, and subsequently it will be difficult to comb it. It is better to mix it with oils useful for curls, for example, burdock or castor oil. Take the ingredients in the proportion of one part of honey to two parts of vegetable oil. After applying the mask to the scalp, wrap it in a plastic bag or food wrap, and put a wool cap on top. It will take about an hour for the remedy to work well. After that, wash off the mask with a mild shampoo.Honey masks for curls are especially effective for dry scalp and dandruff - in the process of their application, the epidermis calms down, and the sebaceous glands begin to work normally. The beneficial trace elements contained in this product saturate the hair roots and stimulate the hair to active growth. If you want to make curls thicker and healthier, then add a little brewer's yeast to the honey, previously diluted with warm water. With split ends, honey should be mixed with almond oil and distributed along the length of the curls. A honey-cognac mask will give additional volume to the hair (you will need a tablespoon of each ingredient).Keep in mind that honey loses, at least, natural honey will lose most of its nutrients when heated strongly - they simply break down. If you have signs of rosacea (brightly highlighted vessels on the face), then the use of honey, which additionally dilates the vessels for you, alas, is contraindicated. The same applies to diabetes mellitus, diseases related to the blood and cardiovascular system, and any inflammatory processes.Remember that for all the above procedures, you should choose only natural honey. The most suitable time of the year for this is summer. In any case, when you buy a new brand of product (or, for example, buy from a new private seller), be sure to check whether the body will react with an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a little honey to the inner bend of the elbow and wait for 15 minutes. If there is no redness or rash, have a nice honey treatment! nạp tiền f8bet